The sacrament of Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church and is typically received by Catholics in their teenage years or early adulthood. In Confirmation, a person is strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit and is confirmed in their identity as a disciple of Christ and a member of the Church. Through the sacrament of Confirmation, Catholics are empowered to live their faith more deeply and to witness to the love of Christ in the world.
Canon law outlines the requirements for receiving the sacrament of Confirmation for both children and adults. Here are the requirements for each:
For Children:
Children who have been baptized and have received their First Holy Communion are eligible to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Children must undergo preparation and formation in the Catholic faith, typically through religious education classes or catechesis, in order to understand the importance of Confirmation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Children must be able to make a personal profession of faith and must be able to receive the sacrament with reverence and devotion.
For Adults:
Adults who have been baptized in the Catholic Church or in another Christian denomination are eligible to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Adults who have not been baptized in any Christian denomination must undergo the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) in order to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church and eligible to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Adults who have already been confirmed in another Christian denomination may be eligible to receive Confirmation in the Catholic Church after a period of discernment and preparation.