St. Anna's Catholic Church

Mass Times


9:00 AM
Tuesday and Wednesday: 

12:15 PM

9:00 AM

5:00 PM

9:00 AM and 12:00 PM


July 17, 2024
Time Away with Jesus

In the gospel this week, Jesus tells his apostles to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”  He knows they have been away working hard, having been sent to proclaim the kingdom of God, heal the sick, and cast our demons, all in his name.  He is aware of how […]

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July 12, 2024
Welcome Miranda!

My family and I have been parishioners at St. Anna's for over 5 years and this parish is our home! My husband Eric and I have four daughters (Ellie, 9; Emmy, 7; Anna, 4; Meg, 1) We were both raised protestant and came into the Catholic faith in 2020 at St. Anna's. I have a […]

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July 3, 2024
St. Anna's Feast Day

The name of the Church is the name of it’s patron. As such, our patron is St. Anna, whose feast is on July 26. However, liturgical law allows the feast to be moved to the nearest Sunday to make it a more solemn celebration. Thus, the patronal feast for this year is being celebrated on […]

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April 3, 2024
Seminarian Jonathan Webster

A former youth of St. Anna's, Jonathan Webster, is currently in Seminary at Notre Dame in Louisiana. We are incredibly proud of the spirit, dedication and love he already has and can not wait to see him receive his ordination. Seminary is a wonderful time to grow in spirit while learning the truth and teachings […]

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March 6, 2024
June through August Liturgy Schedule

If you are unable to serve your scheduled date, weekend of, please contact your head usher. If you need changes made to the schedule in advance you may contact the office. Saturday 5:00PM Chris Penvose Sunday 9:00AM John Minton Sunday 12:00PM Greg Hennigan We currently are scheduling 2 Altar Servers, 2 Greeters, 2 Lectors and […]

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April 4, 2023
Welcome to the new website!

Welcome to St. Annas new website! We are still working on the details but we hope you enjoy the new functionality of our web presence here at St. Annas!

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